Trinity 2024: Permanent Campaign Endowment for Maintenance and Upkeep

An important ancillary goal of the Capital Campaign is to continue to improve Trinity’s long-term financial health and stability. One key way to do this was to establish a permanently endowed fund that will support the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the campus. This permanent endowment can grow in the future through directed gifts and planned giving. To support this goal, Trinity’s leadership has agreed to recommend that if a Donor commits $25,000 or above to the Capital Campaign, an optional 10% of the Donor’s total gift can be designated to the Trinity Capital Campaign Projects Endowment Fund for the maintenance and upkeep of the Campaign projects. Donors will have the choice of declining this option if they wish to do so.

Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million

Trinity’s Capital Campaign encompasses seven distinct, but related, capital projects. The projects have been selected for inclusion in this campaign based on their high priority in preparing a foundational space for current and new programs, their importance in attracting families to both the Church and School, and their place in the sequencing of future campus renovations and additions.