Harry T. Howard III Foundation Center for Christian Formation

Christian Formation is at the heart of Trinity’s spiritual mission. As part of the Master Plan, Trinity is prioritizing the creation of safe, functional, and expanded spaces for all formation activities, from Godly Play for children to adult formation classes. The lovely and historic Church Undercroft will be renovated and reconfigured into the Harry T. Howard III Foundation Center for Christian Formation. This carefully designed space will include classrooms, meeting spaces, and play areas for children, teens, adults, and community members looking to pursue formation activities of all types.

Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million

Trinity’s Capital Campaign encompasses seven distinct, but related, capital projects. The projects have been selected for inclusion in this campaign based on their high priority in preparing a foundational space for current and new programs, their importance in attracting families to both the Church and School, and their place in the sequencing of future campus renovations and additions.