Holt & Gordo Kolb
What first brought you to Trinity?
Holt: I grew up attending an Episcopal church in a small town in North Carolina, so it was important to me for us to join an Episcopal church when I moved to New Orleans after we got married. After visiting Trinity, where Gordo’s dad grew up attending, we felt welcomed right away. We loved the sense of community here. Even though we didn’t have children for several years, we knew there was no question we wanted them to go to Trinity and experience chapel and religious studies every day.
Gordo: We loved that the church and school were intertwined and knew right away we wanted our future children to attend Trinity school.
How has Trinity impacted both you and your children’s lives?
Holt: It is a home for all of us. We are all comfortable here. Our children have learned that even though the academics are hard, if they work hard and always try their best, they'll succeed. Trinity has taught them to not just be good students, but also well-rounded people, upstanders.
Gordo: The community feel of Trinity. Whether we’re here for a sporting event, a school event or a church event, we always feel at home here.
What is your favorite or proudest Trinity moment?
Gordo: When the children were baptized here in the chapel. The chapel is where we first started going when we joined Trinity for the Sunday night service so getting to have the kids baptized there was really fun and special for us.
Both: Pink House parties!
What contributed to your decision to support Trinity's Capital Campaign?
Gordo: Seeing the overall campus and knowing how great it is but also how it can be enhanced. There are a lot of things that are needed on campus and I think it’s a very timely campaign, especially seeing what other schools are doing. It’s time for some fresh things on campus.
Holt: There's such great energy on campus. We have the best teachers and staff and we want the best facilities for them. I love the feel and the character of these old buildings but they can be modernized to be more productive and last longer.
What are you most excited about for the future of Trinity?
Both: The commons! The kids were so excited about the field too and love getting to use it every day.