Mechanical Services
While significant work has already been undertaken to update our mechanical services, much of the Trinity campus still relies on equipment that is at or past its projected lifespan. Modernized electrical systems, improved HVAC systems, and mechanical support upgrades are all needed. A digital control retrofit will save on utilities costs, provide for environmentally sound water and power usage, and improve the comfort and usability of all campus buildings.
New mechanical services will be housed next to Trinity Commons, providing a centralized systems space that can ultimately serve the entire campus. In addition to diminishing environmental impact, we anticipate significant operational cost savings to emerge from installation of the new systems controls, providing additional budgetary funds to use for more pressing needs.
Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million
Trinity’s Capital Campaign encompasses seven distinct, but related, capital projects. The projects have been selected for inclusion in this campaign based on their high priority in preparing a foundational space for current and new programs, their importance in attracting families to both the Church and School, and their place in the sequencing of future campus renovations and additions.