Nursery Program

With the relocation of the current business offices to the new Administrative Complex, Trinity’s Carriage House will be adapted to accommodate a new Nursery Program. The Nursery conversion and build-out will provide 16–20 places for babies and toddlers.Developing a new Nursery for infants and toddlers in the community is an important goal of the Trinity School Board. The new program and facility will draw young families to Trinity for the earliest stages of child care by enabling the School to serve children youngerthan those currently welcomed beginning at 15 months of age.

The new Nursery will also provide young families with an opportunity to seamlessly transition their children into further educational programs provided through Trinity, such as Les Enfants and the Pink House, thereby eventually augmenting enrollment in the Lower and Middle Schools.

Overall Campaign Goal: $13 million

Trinity’s Capital Campaign encompasses seven distinct, but related, capital projects. The projects have been selected for inclusion in this campaign based on their high priority in preparing a foundational space for current and new programs, their importance in attracting families to both the Church and School, and their place in the sequencing of future campus renovations and additions.